Alicia Schiro
When Alicia Schiro left her job at a startup to
go out on her own as an event planner, her
goal was to create the freedom to take on
more of the projects that truly excited her.
Along the way, Aced It Events, the one-person
business she founded in 2016 in New York
City, has grown to $1 million in annual
revenue. Like many people who turn to
entrepreneurship after years in traditional
jobs, Schiro had lots of first-hand experience
in her industry to draw on. In a previous job at
an advertising agency, she'd been an events
and catering manager and at the startup
where she worked most recently, she was
involved in events booking. "I didn't have to
leap so far, so quickly," she says.
Mary Jacobi
DOCTOR (1842 - 1906)
Mary Putnam Jacobi was the first woman to
gain a medical degree from the École de
Médecine in Paris, and one of the few women
practicing medicine in America in the 1870s.
At the end of the 19th century, Edward Clarke,
a physician in Boston, wrote a book saying
women could not handle the rigors of higher
education, especially while on their
period. The year Clarke published his book,
Jacobi was a lecturer at the Woman's Medical
College of the New York Infirmary and treating
patients at the clinic. In a rebuttal to Clarke
published in 1877, Jacobi said, "His
recommendations lacked "experimental
proof," relied on "exaggeration of fact," and
served "many interests besides those of
scientific truth."