Cipe Pineles
GRAPHIC DESIGNER (1908 - 1991)
Cipe Pineles was a graphic designer and art
director, who worked within the world of
women's magazines. At Glamour she became
one of the first autonomous female art
directors of a mass-market American
publication. She was the first woman to be
asked to join the all-male New York Art
Directors Club and later their Hall of Fame.
She created the innovation of hiring fine
artists to illustrate mass-market publications,
commissioning people like Andy Warhol. This
allowed artists access to the commercial
world and to be seen by the mainstream
public. Pineles turned Seventeen and Charm
into magazines that, while still addressing
women's beauty and fashion, also focused on
supporting women's values and changing
roles. She redefined women's magazines,
making them relevant for the modern woman.
Maggi Hambling
PAINTER / SCULPTOR (1945 - present)
Maggi Hambling is a painter and sculptor, who
became the first artist in residence at The
National Gallery in 1980. Her most well-known
works are subversive memorials in public
spaces to Oscar Wilde, Benjamin Britten and
Mary Wollstonecraft. Hambling prefers to
'paint for the dead' seeing it as an outlet for
grief. Her work often attracts controversy and
can be driven by her anger toward the
destruction of the planet, lack of justice
and politics and highlighting social issues