Laura Annie Willson
Laura Annie Willson was a co-founder of the
Women's Engineering Society and a director
of Smith, Barker and Willson, an engineering
works in Halifax. She was also part of the
Women's Labour League and the Women's
Social and Political Union. In WW1, Willson's
company managed and organised jobs for
female munition workers. She was shocked of
the poor health of these malnourished
workers and had created a canteen for them
to use at work. She received an MBE for her
efforts and was one of the first women to be
awarded such a title. She became the
president of the Women's Engineering Society
and remained working with the organisation
up until her death in 1942.
Christina Koch
(1979 - present)
Christina Hammock Koch graduated from
North Carolina State University with a
Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering
and Physics and a Master of Science in
Electrical Engineering. She was selected to
join NASA in 2013 and completed astronaut
candidate training two years later. With a total
of 328 days in space, Christina Koch set the
record for longest single spaceflight by a
woman. Koch has done six spacewalks thus
far, including the first three all women
spacewalks. Koch's is determined to be one
of the first women selected for a mission to