Asha de Vos
Marine Biologist (1979 - present)
Asha de Vos is a pioneer for long-term blue
whale research in the Indian Ocean. She is
the founder and director of the non-profit
organisation Oceanwell, the first marine
conservation in her country. She has faced a
great deal of scrutiny throughout her career,
encountering many people who disapproved
of a woman working in a male-dominated
field. She grew up in Sri Lanka, where there
were not a lot of opportunities for careers in
marine biology- despite this she became the
first Sri Lankan person to receive a Ph.D. in
marine mammal research and remains the
only one to have done so. In 2018 she was
chosen for a BBC 100 Woman award.
Caroline Haslett
Dame Caroline Haslett was the founder of the
Electrical Association for Women and the first
woman to serve on the British Electricity
Authoirty. She was also the first Secretary of
the Women's Engineering Society as of 1941.
Haslett was also involved in assisting the
government in the planning of World War 2.
Between the years of 1946-4954, she was the
only female member of the Council of the
British Institute of Management and was the
first woman appointed Chairman of the British
Electrical Development Association. She was
made a Commander of the Order of the
British Empire in 1931 in recognition of her
services to women.