Aino Aalto
Aino Aalto was an architect and designer from
Finland. Aalto attended the Helenski
University of Technology and co-founded the
design company Artek. Originally focusing on
interior design and architecture, Aalto went on
to create furniture, lighting and decorative
items. Her most iconic work was in glassware
and not only is her most famous design still on
sale today, but elements of her signature style
were adapted by companies such as IKEA.
Nearly 70 years after her death, she is still
revered as a pioneer in Scandinavian design.
Lady Anne Clifford
ARCHITECT (1590 - 1676)
Born in 1590, Lady Anne Clifford was a patron
of literature and a lover of writing. She worked
hard at restoring her embattled family seat,
repairing five castles. Clifford also improved
and expanded a range of churches. Her family
name and legacy was extremely important to
her, which is why much of her work focused
on her estate. In 1656 she erected the
Countess Pillar near Brougham, Cumbria, in
memory of her late mother. Rejecting the
lower status of women at the time, Clifford
was an active participant in running her estate
and fought a 40-year battle to be recognised
as the sole heir to her father's estate.