Çiğdem Kağıtçıbaşı
PSYCHOLOGY (1940 - 2017)
Kağıtçıbaşıs' scholarly achievements can best
be summarised in three main headings: her
contributions to cross-cultural psychology, her
work on "The Value of Children," and her
pivotal role in Turkish letters and feminism. As
a social scientist, she participated in research
focused on determining the reasons why
young adults want to start a family. Her
theoretical and applied research focused on
human development in socio-cultural context,
leading her to question the applicability of
mainstream psychology to the majority (nonWestern)
world. Her emphasis on culture,
social change, and the family as important
aspects of the context of human development
gave birth to Family Change Theory and the
Theory of Autonomous-Related Self.
Kağıtçıbaşı was the first female president of
the International Association for CrossCultural
Nevenka Petrić
Petrić was a Serbian writer, poet,
educationalist, and expert in the fields
of family planning and gender relations. Havi
ng graduated with a degree in Philosophy
from Belgrade University in 1963, as a parttime
student in 1987, received her doctorate
in Philosophy from Sarajevo University,
submitting a thesis on the constitutional
human right to planned parenthood in
Yugoslavia, called "Human Freedoms, Birth,
Self-Management". In her capacity as the
president of the Planned Parenthood Council
of Yugoslavia, Petrić carried out elective
functions in European and international
education and at Planned Parenthood. Petrić
was also an expert of the United Nations'
Population Fund from 1982 until 1992 and
was occasionally involved in implementation
of certain scientific and research projects in
India, Indonesia, Greece and Romania,
among many other countries.