(e) Ongoing Review and Test.
Regular review and test of incident/emergency response and recovery
requirements is required to maintain business continuity planning. This
includes reviews of incident/emergency events and improvement actions.
1.1.3 The Executive Leadership Team and Senior Management Team (ELT/SMT)
require all members of staff to give this plan their fullest support. Strategic ownership
of business continuity planning is held by ELT/SMT.
1.2 Objectives of the Business Continuity Strategy
1.2.1 It is the policy of City of Glasgow College to conduct its operations with the
highest regard for the safety and health of its students, employees, and the public,
and for the protection and preservation of property and the environment.
1.2.2 It is a priority for the College that continuity of service to students is
maintained, and the interests of other stakeholders protected, even under the most
adverse circumstances.
1.3 Business Continuity: Incident Management (including Covid-19)
1.3.1 Responsibility for Incident Management rests with the SMT, which will function
as the Business Continuity Team in such circumstances, or the Covid-19 Response
Team in the event of a Covid-19 related incident (e.g. Campus outbreak, building
closure etc.). This responsibility includes the overall coordination and response of the
College in the event of an incident or emergency involving a disruption to operations,
and includes:
• Ensuring the preservation of life, and the safety and well-being of students, staff,
and public
• Securing buildings, property, equipment and data
• Liaising with members of staff, students, emergency services and other
• Liaising with the media
• Authorising expenditure on recovery
• Implementing an IT recovery plan
• Securing personnel records
• Liaising with insurers
• Reporting progress to the Board of Management