Copyright © 2020, City of Glasgow College
Serious Medical Emergency
Action Action Taken
Contact a First Aider.
First Aider 1 - contact via radio
First Aider 2 - contact via radio
First Aider 3 - contact via radio
Ensure someone stays with the casualty.
Arrange for someone else to phone for an ambulance if appropriate.
If the casualty is suffering from a fever, vomiting, diarrhoea, and has
arrived from a country affected by an epidemic of infection, refer to
NHS as per normal procedure. Inform NHS/ Scottish Government as
Consider the need to complete a RIDDOR form or notify HSE
Where the emergency relates to a pre-known medical condition,
follow any previously given advice provided by the patient until the
ambulance arrives.
Notify a senior manager.
Complete an entry in the Accident Book.
Follow HR or senior management advice as regards notifying next of
Go with the casualty to hospital and await next of kin.
Liaise with casualty on discharge from hospital to obtain update on