Copyright © 2020, City of Glasgow College
2.10 Recovery and Restoration Phase
2.10.1 The Recovery Phase may last from a few days to several months after
a major incident /disaster and ends when normal operations are resumed. This
phase will be managed by the Business Continuity Team with FES.
2.10.2. SMT has developed and maintains a range of Business Recovery Plans
to cover all activities and functions within the College. These outline the
detailed plans for business recovery to various degrees within established
2.10.3 The recovery phase will include:
• Assessing the impact of the incident on the College;
• Considering the appointment of an independent loss adjuster, and other
advisors as necessary, to represent the College;
• Prioritising the recovery of services according to how critical they are to
the College.
• Deciding on the next steps in conjunction with senior managers. Steps to
consider include:
o recovering the use of a site after minimal closure;
o relocating to another of the College's premises; or
o seeking alternative premises.
• Communicating with staff, students and key external stakeholders using
websites and telephone messaging.
• Maintaining a log of decisions and actions taken (Appendices 2, 5, 6)
• Recovering IT files from the affected site(s),
• Making arrangements to enable staff to collect vital personal effects from
the affected site as soon as it is safe for them to do so.
• Drawing up plans for supporting staff after the disaster, including
counselling where appropriate.
• Debriefing
• Review of Business Continuity: Incident Management Plan