Copyright © 2020, City of Glasgow College
2.10.3 Appendix 4 shows a checklist of actions that may be required once the
incident is under control in order to recover as quickly as possible from the
effects of the incident. It will be important that all costs associated with the
incident are recorded in order to determine the total incident recovery cost.
This is essential in order to assist in the justification of an insurance claim.
2.11 Documentation
2.11.1 Members of the ELT/SMT will be provided with one hard copy and an
electronic copy of the College's Business Continuity: Incident Management
Plan. Each person should keep one copy at work and one copy at home.
2.11.2 Plan holders are required to provide updated information relating to any
changes to contact details to the Human Resources Section who will update and
circulate the document (or parts of the document).
2.11.3 Business Recovery Plans are held by BRP owners (SMT).
2.11.4 There is a College Business Continuity Policy to guide development of all
related documentation.
2.12 Training
2.12.1 The ELT/SMT shall undergo appropriate training. Drills to test the
Incident Management Plan will take place regularly.
2.12.2 The ELT/SMT and all employees will be trained to understand their
roles in the business recovery process.
2.12.3 Training will also be provided to appropriate staff in Critical Incident
Handling, Bomb Threats, and Emergency Evacuations etc.