2.1.3 The Executive Leadership Team (ELT) shall ensure that copies of
valuable/critical documents are held within an electronic document management
system; or exceptionally, as required, securely stored in reinforced cabinets or boxes.
2.1.4 Deans, with Associate Deans, and Directors, with Heads of Service, shall
maintain a comprehensive inventory of vital equipment including software, and shall
back up such documentation as is required for the maintenance of services.
2.1.5 The Vice Principal Corporate Services, with the Health & Safety Compliance
Manager, shall ensure the College has an adequate number of properly trained first
aid members of staff, and with the Performance and Improvement Director, shall
provide such training as required.
2.1.6 The Vice Principal Corporate Services, with the Performance and Improvement
Director, and College Secretary/Planning, will ensure appropriate training is provided
for staff as appropriate, and will provide development for managers relating to the
Business Continuity Plan.
2.1.7 The Vice Principal Corporate Services, with the Director of Human Resources,
shall maintain lists of emergency details for all employees. The Executive Office shall
maintain lists of contact details for the Board of Management and for senior staff.
The HR Directorate will keep up to date College contact details for staff such as
location and extension numbers.
2.1.8 The Vice Principal Corporate Services shall ensure that insurance covering
business disruption is sufficient and up to date.
2.1.9 The Vice Principal Corporate Services shall develop procedures to cover the
redirection of e-mail service, the redirection of mail, and the establishment of
temporary telephone messaging following an emergency incident.
2.1.10 The Vice Principal Student Experience, and the Vice Principal Corporate
Services shall develop arrangements for contacting students in the event of a