2.1.11 The Vice Principal Corporate Services shall ensure that the following is held
securely off-site:
• A copy of the Business Continuity: Incident Management Plan and Business
Recovery Plans.
• Up-to-date contact details for key employees and the Board of Management
(this shall be an encrypted/password protected file).
• Contact details for key suppliers.
• A physical plan of all College locations.
• Access codes for safes and IT systems (this will be an encrypted/password
protected file).
2.2 Notification of an Incident and Plan Activation
2.2.1 All serious incidents, occurring around/ between 8.30 am - 5.00 pm (i.e. within
normal working hours) should be reported to the Principal's Office. An initial
assessment of the extent of the incident should be made by the Site Emergency
Response Team or the Principal (or Depute Principal if Principal not available), and
immediate appropriate action taken - e.g. notification to emergency services or
utilities providers.
2.2.2 The Principal/Depute Principal and/or members of the Site Emergency
Response Team will assess the incident and, as necessary, invoke the Business
Continuity Plan and assemble the Business Continuity Team (ELT/SMT).
2.2.3 It is accepted that notification of some incidents may initially be passed to the
Vice Principal Corporate Services, or a member of the Estates and Facilities Team,
and that these will then be reported directly to the Principal/Depute Principal with all
due speed. If considered necessary, the incident should be reported immediately to
the Principal, while a Site Emergency Response Team is assembled.
2.2.4 If an incident arises out of hours it will normally be the Estates and Facilities
Staff who are called out through the on-call rota. If the Duty Manager and/or Estates
and Facilities team assess that that the incident may seriously affect the College's