2.3.3 Emergency Response Task Lists: Team Leader and Team Members
(a) Site Emergency Response Team Leader
The Emergency Response Team Leader will be, where possible, the
Principal/Depute Principal or a designated deputy (See Appendix 1A). Depending on
the seriousness and longevity of the emergency situation, the SMT Business
Continuity Team may be formed.
The Team Leader Emergency Response checklist is as follows:
Team Leader Emergency Response Checklist
Receive advice of situation/ information
Advise Principal/Depute Principal/ELT of the situation
Ensure Emergency Services have been contacted
Call out appropriate members of staff as required and meet at an agreed point
Determine if evacuation is required
Liaise with the Emergency Services, Facilities Management and Security
Establish control of the incident
Call rest of ELT/SMT as necessary, and brief members
Refer any media enquiries to Public Relations or a member of the Business
Continuity Team
Initiate instructions to all Management and staff using the call out/ cascade
Act as main point of contact at the incident site for the Business Continuity
Team, as required.