operations, the Vice Principal Corporate Services will be contacted. They will decide
whether to contact the Principal.
2.2.5 Key contact numbers to include utility and service providers are to be made
available to all Campus Staff on the on-call rota. (See Appendices 2A, 2B).
2.2.6 Responsibility for invoking the Business Continuity: Incident Management Plan
(BCP) lies with the Principal, or the Depute Principal, or, if neither is available,
another two members of the Executive Leadership Team. In exceptional
circumstances invocation of the BCP may be declared by one member of the
Executive Leadership Team in order to facilitate a timely response. It will be the
responsibility of the person(s) invoking the BCP to arrange to notify all members of
the ELT/SMT immediately.
2.2.8 In many situations, the impact of an incident may not be immediately known.
In such cases, members of the ELT/SMT will be placed on an "amber alert", and be
ready to react should an emergency be declared.
2.2.9 After the declaration of an emergency the status will continue until it is formally
declared over by the Principal/Depute Principal or, in their absence, another member
of the ELT.
2.3 Emergency Response & Control
2.3.1 Site Emergency Response Teams are in place to provide an early emergency
response to a physical crisis at the sites within the College which is causing, or
threatening to cause, an emergency situation at the College (e.g. a fire or flood)
which would prevent the College from providing a service to students over a
sustained period of time. These Emergency Response Teams will be formed and led
by the senior member of staff at the College location where the incident has occurred,
and will include role-holders appropriate to the affected area. Out of office hours the
senior member of staff is the Duty Manager. Appendices 1A/1B provide information
on team leadership, team members and assembly points. If severe enough and
escalation criteria are met, the ELT/SMT will then respond to the emergency as the
Business Continuity Team. See Incident Report Form. (Appendix 3).