...Every Space is a Space for Learning...
1. A new estate consolidating the College on two landmark sites.
2. An integrated environment providing a catalyst for innovation and quality
3. Custom designed fabulous new learning facilities.
4. Industry standard equipment, facilities and resources.
5. Healthy, sustainable, creative environment in which to learn and work.
6. Energy efficient and cost effective estate.
7. Welcoming and inclusive buildings and external spaces accessible throughout.
Our new City Campus marks a huge investment
in further education in the city of Glasgow and
promises to underpin the College's strategy
to redefine the college education for many
The city site encompasses 10 storeys with
creative industries and design disciplines
located in the tower area on Levels 7 to 10;
construction workshop and sports hall facilities
located in the north leg of the building; pooled
teaching classrooms concentrated on Levels
3 to 6 on the south east wing of the building and
staff facilities concentrated on the same levels
on the south west. The lecture theatre, four level
library and comprehensive student services
facilities are centred in the heart of the building
alongside extensive support facilities.
Key Benefits of the New Campus