To improve security and prevent unauthorized access,
new campus sites benefit from a configurable access
management system. To gain access, smart cards must
be presented to readers on or adjacent to turnstiles and
doors. Staff cards permit access to general teaching
areas, staff offices and meeting rooms. Access to
specialist teaching/staff areas can be granted on
request to the operations helpdesk.
All college personnel should now have been issued
with a personalised staff card. If you have lost your
staff card, or have yet to receive one, please report to
the reception desk at Riverside or City Campus where
a card will be produced for you. There is no charge for
replacement staff cards.
Similarly, if you forget your staff card please go to
reception where you will be issued with a temporary
card. These should be returned to reception at the end
of the day.
Access & Security Using
Purple Smart Cards
Student cards are also required for access to new
campuses through the turnstiles, into library areas and
student accommodation (where applicable). Students
are not permitted access to classrooms and staff areas.
Student Records Services will continue to manage the
overall production of student cards. Cards are then
issued via faculty staff as per the updated induction
and enrolment procedure on Connected. As of the
2016/2017 academic session, student cards will remain
valid for the duration of the session, unless the student
is withdrawn or their course finishes before the end of
the session. It is not necessary to issue a new card for
multiple enrolments within the same academic year.
Students who lose or repeatedly forget to bring their
card will be asked to purchase a replacement card at
reception or the MyCity online shop.
Purple smart cards also allow staff and students to
release print jobs sent to the multi-functional devices in
the printing and in the ICT equipped classrooms.
During week one, a variety of staff will be available to
help answer questions, solve problems and generally
assist. These include your migration representatives,
members of the project team, members of the
contractor's migration team and specially designated
floor walkers.
These members of staff will be clearly identified with
the college representatives wearing purple high vis
Purple High Vis Vests
vests. These staff should be your first port of call for
general enquiries. If there is a problem or difficulty that
cannot be answered immediately this can be logged
via the Operational Helpdesk by dialing 6600.
A member of the College Helpdesk team will determine
whether the issue that you have has already been
identified and is scheduled to be dealt with or will log
this for further action.