Interactive Projectors
Combined with the 'writable wall' and the AV faceplate,
the Epson EB-595WI Interactive Projector is Epsons top
model of short-throw projector.
It features both pens and finger multi-touch, a very
bright 16:10 ratio 90" image, long lamp life and supports
HD resolutions. It can be used with many types of
College devices including PCs, thin clients, laptops,
Macs and tablets.
Training has been provided and a 'How- to Guide' will
be found on Connected. Contact Operations (Ext 6600)
for advice about adapters and connectivity. We can also
help remotely.
Thin Client
Thin client devices are installed in the majority of
classrooms and desk areas in the City Campus. The
devices are light, compact, low-cost and eco-friendly.
Thin clients are great for general-purpose computing
such as email, web browsing and using Microsoft Office
packages. Your user experience is nearly identical to
that of a traditional PC.
The College has invested in thin client technology
throughout the new campuses. The device has no hard
drive, all tasks are performed on a central server, within
one of the College's two data centres.
There is no local storage on a thin client device. Files
should be saved to network drives. You do not need to
worry about backing-up data locally, it is all stored in
the data centre.
If you move between locations or rooms, you can pick
up exactly where you left off by simply logging in at your
new location. Applications and personal settings now
travel with you.
The wireless network eduroam is available throughout
City Campus, Riverside Campus and Halls of Residence
for all staff and enrolled students to connect personally
- owned devices. Eduroam is a secure wireless service
which has been specifically developed for the education
community. COGC staff and students can use the
eduroam network at participating institutions around the
world. To access the Wi-Fi, select the wireless network
eduroam and sign in using the same username and
password you use for the College network, followed by at the end of your username. Full user
guides are available on Connected and MyCity.