Internat�ona� P�b��c Po��c� Observator� (IPPO)
IPPO �s an ES�C f�nded �n�t�at�ve to prov�de dec�s�on-makers �n government at a�� �eve�s
w�th access to the best ava��ab�e g�oba� ev�dence on the soc�a� �mpacts of the COVID-19
pandem�c� and the effect�veness of po��c� responses� IPPO �s a co��aborat�on between
the Department of Sc�ence� Techno�og�� Eng�neer�ng and P�b��c Po��c� (STEaPP) and
the EPPI Centre at UCL� Card�ff Un�vers�t�� Q�een�s Un�vers�t� Be�fast� the Un�vers�t�
of A�ck�and and the Un�vers�t� of Oxford� together w�th th�nk tanks �nc��d�ng the
Internat�ona� Network for Government Sc�ence (INGSA) and academ�c news p�b��sher
The Conversat�on�
EPPI Centre
Fo�nded �n 1996� the EPPI Centre �s a spec�a��st centre �n the UCL Soc�a� �esearch
Inst�t�te� It deve�ops methods� (�) for the s�stemat�c rev�ew�ng and s�nthes�s of research
ev�dence� and (��) for the st�d� of the �se research� As we�� as be�ng d�rect�� �nvo�ved �n
the academ�c st�d� and the pract�ce of research s�nthes�s and research �se� the centre
prov�des accred�ted and short co�rse tra�n�ng programmes �n research s�nthes�s and
soc�a� po��c� and research�
UCL Soc�a� �esearch Inst�t�te (S�I)
The S�I (former�� the Department of Soc�a� Sc�ence) �s one of the �ead�ng centres �n the
UK for m��t�d�sc�p��nar� teach�ng and research �n the soc�a� sc�ences� W�th more than
180 academ�c� research and profess�ona� staff� �t works to advance know�edge and to
�nform po��c� �n areas �nc��d�ng gender� fam���es� ed�cat�on� emp�o�ment� m�grat�on�
�neq�a��t�es� hea�th and ch��d/ad��t we��be�ng�
F�rst prod�ced �n 2021 b��
UCL Soc�a� �esearch Inst�t�te
Un�vers�t� Co��ege London
27 Wob�rn Sq�are
London WC1H 0AA
Tw�tter� @UCLSoc�es
Des�gn and ed�tor�a� s�pport b�� L�one� Openshaw
Th�s doc�ment �s ava��ab�e �n a range of access�b�e formats �nc��d�ng �arge pr�nt�
P�ease contact the UCL Soc�a� �esearch Inst�t�te for ass�stance�
Ema��� �oe�sr�adm�n@�c��ac��k