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SY9. Are the methods of handling missing data described?
SY10. Are all factors and outcomes reported?
Are all factors and outcomes that were measured reported, significant and non-significant?
SY11. Is the response rate calculated?
authors should provide detail on the methods used for calculating the response rate
SY12. Risk of sampling bias
the risk that the sample selected is not representative of the whole population.
SY13. Risk of reporting bias
selective reporting of results - reporting on e.g. significant differences only
SY14. Overall, how reliable are the findings of the study (surveys)
Considering the answers to questions in domain 1 and 2, and the risk of bias questions, how
reliable, believable, trustworthy are the findings of the study?
Domain 3. How generalisable are the results? (surveys)
Consider also the answers to the domain 2. sampling frame (what population is this a
sample supposed to be representative of?) and response rates (did it achieve its objective of a
representative sample?), as well as dealing with missing data (attempts to mitigate the
effect of drop out to remain representative of the population the sample was drawn from)
SY15. Is the study large enough to achieve its objectives?
is the study powered to detect significant differences?
SY16. Is there a clear description of the context?
such as the purpose of the survey is it part of another project of which this survey is only
where was the study conducted?
SY17. How relevant is this study to the review? (surveys)
consider whether the study talks directly to Harms of COVID19 or is it indirectly?
Domain 1. What are the methods?
CS1. Are the objectives of the study clearly stated?
the objectives of a case study (whether exploratory, or evaluative) determines the types of
case selection and methods.
CS2. Are the theories and methods for case selection clear?
Cases are selected based on the research purpose and question, and for what they could
reveal about the phenomenon or topic of interest.
consider whether the case is
- an exemplar
- an outlier
-a novel case
what is the theoretical position of the authors - Post-positivist (there is a discoverable world
out there- that is also interpreted by the receivers of the phenomena (realist methods,
experimental, ) vs constructivist (the world is constructed by people's experience, meanings
and interpretations of phenomena-grounded theory, researcher
Domain 2. Are the results valid?