City of Glasgow College Annual Report & Accounts 2020-21
Risk Name RAG
1. Failure to support student success R
2. Failure to establish optimal pedagogical model G
3. Failure to achieve good student outcome/progression levels A
21. Failure of the College's Duty of Care to Students A
Growth &
Development 4. Failure to realise planned benefits of Regionalisation A
6. Negative impact upon College reputation A
7. Failure to achieve improved business development performance with stakeholders R
8. Failure to achieve improved performance A
9. Failure to attract, engage, and retain suitable staff G
26. Failure to achieve taught degree awarding powers A
Processes &
Performance 10. Negative impact of statutory compliance failure A
24. Failure of Compliance with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) A
11. Failure of Corporate Governance G
12. Failure of Business Continuity A
25. Failure of IT system security A
13. Failure to manage performance G
14. Negative impact of Industrial Action A
15. Failure to achieve operating surplus via control of costs & achievement of income
16. Failure to maximise income via diversification R
20. Failure to obtain funds from College Foundation G
22. Negative impact of Brexit A
23. Failure to agree a sustainable model and level of grant funding within Glasgow Region A
ALL 27. Failure to manage acute threats relating to coronavirus outbreak A
At June 2021; BoM.