As a college and an employer we are committed to attracting and retaining the best talent.
Our commitment to Let Learning Flourish through inspiration, innovation and excellence
applies equally to our people.
To support all colleagues to Let Learning Flourish,
we will provide an exceptional employee focused
service, underpinned by values, behaviours, equality
and inclusiveness, providing for clear standards and
The People and Culture Strategy seeks to enable the
delivery of the college strategy with specifi c focus on the
following strategic priorities and aims:
1. Ensure that the student experience of the College is
1.1 Foster excellence, digital innovation, and
creativity in learning, teaching and assessment.
2. Support collaborative long-term resource planning
and talent management to meet strategic needs,
inclusive of a strong, visible, empowered, and
inspirational leadership team.
2.1 Develop an environment that enables and
supports world class employee health and
2.2 Promote a culture where all staff fully engage in
the College Purpose, Values and Behaviours.
2.3 Establish systems that develop, recognise and
reward service delivery and achievement.
3. Advance Fairness, Opportunity, and Respect for all.
4. Achieve the highest supportive standards in
occupational Health and Safety, providing
benchmark working environments.
5. Achieve and retain national and international
recognition for excellence and innovation standards.
5.1 Ensure the achievement of globally recognised
benchmarks for College processes.
6. Achieve optimum standards for infrastructure
management effi ciency, sustainability, and
6.1 Encourage innovative, adaptable, and
enterprising ways of working, to achieve high levels
of effectiveness, effi ciency, and governance.
6.2 To improve workfl ow effi ciency via a "digital
fi rst" strategy and intelligent process automation.
7. Deliver effi ciency improvements and optimise
teaching delivery resources.
8. Expand international and commercial activity to
achieve income targets, maximizing new markets
and opportunities.
8.1 Ensure business continuity and value for money.