3.2 Development of a Student Retention
Framework encompassing: student
preparedness for college;
• an eff ective induction and welcome
experience building a sense of
belonging within an inclusive learning
• promotion of health and wellbeing
amongst the student community;
• enhanced processes for the
early detection and intervention
of students at risk of failure or
withdrawal from study;
• facilitation of students' transition
through their whole college journey
and into employment, and;
• ensure robust data informs ongoing
improvement of retention and
success strategies.
3.3 Review of 'Guidance' off ering
and subsequent development of
comprehensive academic and
pastoral support in line with changed
student experience.
3.4 Refresh the College Employer
Engagement Strategy ensuring
long term strategic partnerships are
well evidenced within each faculty,
supporting staff development and
the building of alumni & professional
3.5 Develop a College Careers strategy
outlining the provision and direction
of Careers Information Advice
and Guidance and commitment
to high quality guidance on
education, training and employment
opportunities to prospective, current
and former students.
3.6 Work in Partnership with the Student
body to deliver a refreshed Student
Partnership Agreement identifying
key areas for development agreed
between CitySA and the College.