In 2019, we developed our first three-year strategic plan, which
allowed us to shape the work of the Students' Association and
maintain our status as a sector-leading Students' Association.
This year, we began reviewing the work we had completed
between 2019-22. We felt a five-year plan would allow us to
achieve even more and continue to ensure that all college
students were able to participate actively in the opportunities
provided by their Students' Association.
Our new Strategic Plan incorporates work we felt we still
had room to improve on, such as our sustainable services
and developing inclusive practices. During the consultation
process, students felt that the visions we outlined in our
original Strategic Plan were still an accurate reflection of the
values that we hold as a Students' Association and have been
adapted into our new themes.
Evidence and best practice remain at the heart of our
development. We have ensured that the themes and
objectives outlined in this plan align with the Quality
Students' Unions Framework (NUS), which will allow us to
work towards achieving the NUS QUS accreditation.
This five-year plan was developed in consultation with our
members and college staff to ensure that our themes and
objectives will support us in maintaining representation
systems, activities, and support that's student-led and